Basta Ikaw Dondet
During the 1990’s the PSBA Days
with the Lord was at an all-time high in attendance especially during the
entertainment portion of the weekend. One of the highlights of this amazing portion of the Days with the Lord was the funny portrayal of Herminio
“Dondet” Maglonzo of various characters that he played to excite the DWTL
crowd. Dondet was an instant hit with his comical genius and his zany antics
which were what most of the dazers were waiting for. In fact, he was also
invited to various Days chapters so that other dazers can witness his unique talent to make people laugh.
That's Dondet giving me the works
Fast forward, twenty years after,
Dondet has been stricken by a kidney disease that requires him to have dialysis
ever week. Weekly dialysis costs P 3,000.00 per session and at times it makes him spend up to more than P 20,000 a month for this. Since he has been stricken by this disease for quite a while, it has been so costly that it has depleted all
his resources considering that he has a wife and and two lovely children to feed and send to school. Sometimes
some friends would sponsor his dialysis but we all know not everyone has some
money to spare every time. The once energetic and lively Dondet has slowed down but for him he will not let this disease get the best of him so that he can serve his family.
Jude Perez, Dondet Maglonzo, Marlon Beluso and Gary Vargas
That is why Dondet’s closest
friends from the PSBA Days with the Lord, Jude Perez, Marlon Beluso , Gary
Vargas and many other Dazers thought of a fund raiser to help cover Dondet ‘s
dialysis and other medical expenses. The fundraiser entitled “Basta Ikaw Det” is
a one night "Acoustioke Jamming session" on August 30, 2015 to reunite dazers, watch some performers
and enjoy the evening. Tickets are at P 480.00 and the event will be at Garage
88 at the Fort. All of us who are performing that night will be offering our
services for free for our friend Dondet. That way we can raise enough funds for him to sustain his dialysis and hopefully help him get up and conquer this challenge in his life.
This picture was taken from Dondet's FB account
That's her wife Honey and one of her daughters
To my friends reading this, I know
times are hard, I myself am having a hard time balancing my finances too. But
when a one-time event is at hand, it is an opportunity for us to do some good and help
someone in need. By donating P 500.00 or P1,000.00, you can help Dondet extend
his life and hopefully give us more laughs in the future. If you are interested
to donate, kindly deposit the said amount (or even more if you like) to my
account BPI Savings Bank, Armel Angelo Garrido Acct # 0829071258 or through
Marlon Beluso’s account BDO acctc#630459789, Savings Account, BDO Masinag branch. We will
check if we can include other banks. Also, please don’t forget to send me
either through Viber (09178106921), whatsapp, Line, or email ( your
deposit slip so that we can account the money coming in and more importantly
include your good deed in our prayers.
SEE YOU on August 30,2015
Once again, Garage 88, Basta Ikaw
Det, a fund raiser that we guarantee will be a fun raiser. August 30,2015. Will update the final performers once all is okay. See
you There.
One more time - send your donations to:
Armel Angelo Garrido BPI Acct # 0829071258
Marlon Beluso’s BDO Acct#630459789,
Savings Account, BDO Masinag branch.