Wednesday, March 5, 2014

19th STI NYC in NAGA Highlights

The STI Dance and 
Theatre Company 
of STI College Naga interpret
the Invocation Hymn

The Philippine Flag hoisted during the singing of the 
Philippine National Anthem

STIer's sing the National Anthem

Students of STI College Naga 
open the Bicol NYC
with a Social Media rendition 
of the song Jai Ho.

Here is the one of a kind ending 
to the Bicol NYC opening number

STI College Naga's 
Deputy School Administrator, 
Mr. Rusty Lagatic, 
Welcomes all delegates 
to the 19th STI NYC

Mr. Pau Suzara, 
STI College Naga's answer 
to Rico Blanco , 
is this year's host 
for the Bicol leg of 
the 19th STI NYC

Mr. Spanky Enriquez discusses the how fast Social Media has evolved

STI College Naga students have fun in this intermission number

Mr. Sonnie Santos says 
"Dare to be DIfferent!" 
to STiers in the Bicol Region

Danica Esplana & Sherwin Verona 
share their gift of music 
to the NYC delegates 
in this intermission number

Mr. Edwin Ebreo says 
"If you fail to plan, 
you plan to fail!"

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