Saturday, March 13, 2010

15th NYC in Puerto Princesa

The last time I was in Puerto Princesa for a convention was in 2004 and that was a convention for High School students then. This time, its the STI National Youth Convention for STI students that has visited the island of Palawan. It was a nice reunion since the last time I was in Palawan was the summer of 2008 and I must admit it is a place worth going back to. This was the first time the STI Convention was held in Palawan and all the STI Students were excited. Some High School students were also invited to witness this event. Here are some highlights.

He started the roadshow in Baguio
and closed it in Puerto

PIDO AGUILAR was the only speaker
to be in ALL NYC Sites

like Romy was in Baguio
and ended the event in Puerto

The STI Students were all happy
as they join hands to show their support

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