Friday, October 18, 2019

My Birthday Reception Program

Starting the program is the STI All Star Dancers w/ their handsome guest dancer

Of course i had to talk its my birthday 

My guest singer Ms. Ann Baricaua - thanks Ann 

That's me encouraging everyone to sing me Happy Birthday

My Special Guest - My New Wife 

From Birthday party to Wedding Reception 

The Toast with the Best Man Bong Berbano 

 Our First dance as a couple assisted
 by the BE STI Dancers
Thanks we are still accepting gifts!!!

The 2nd Wedding Reception

I called my bride and showed the guests the video of our wedding that same morning. Everyone was shocked because only family & our closest friends were there to witness our wedding. After introducing my bride our family brought our wedding cake and placed it near my birthday cake.

The De Lima and Angeles families with the closest friends of my wife

My STI Family

My STI Dancers - The All-Stars and 
Be STI Dancers with Randy R. & Ann B.

My Ateneo Family


The De Lima and Angeles Family

Eat pa more - No Take home 

Drink up guys!

My Birthday Party

The Birthday Boy - 5 Decades Young!

My Birthday Cake 
The Life of the Party - 
Embotido ni Garrido

My Beloved All-Stars 

RJ and Ivhy - the new sisters 

La Vista Represent! 

Four E and Assoc Boys - Present! 

STIers and Jimwest  

Dulaang Sibol Represent

Party gate crasher

The First Wedding Reception - LUNCH!


Our First Wedding Reception
Lunch at Sta. Lucia Mall

A Selfie with my bride

Mother dear and my sisters welcoming the newest member of our family

Presenting Mr. and Mrs. 
Mhel & Rothz Garrido

The Best day of my life

The newlyweds with the Principal Sponsors

My Family

The Newlyweds with the Groomsmen

The Newlyweds with the entourage

The Handsome Guy with mother dear

MY BFFS Binggy Lopez, Jonjie Deomano, Marlon Beluso, Bong Berbano, unfortunately Jerome Buhay arrived from Canada in the afternoon