First of all I never thought that ii would enjoy the movie so much. What really made me enjoy was the brand of humor that was injected in the movie. The movie is so hilarious and what I really enjoy in comedy movies are situational comedy’s that makes every audience think and then anticipate the fun coming. That was the first thing I liked from what the story had to give.

The third thing that I liked about in the movie, and the most important one, is the message that the movie conveys to its viewers. The message conveyed to Po (the Panda) regarding the secret ingredient made me react and said “aww” (ambaduy ko) but then again it is really true specially for the kids which we nurture.

The story evolves around PO (voice of Jack Black), the Chef Panda who is a mean cook because his father Mr. Ping owns their own noodle restaurant. Po is a Kung Fu enthusiast, much like us when we were kids idolizing Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li. In the movie, he idolizes the furious five namely Tigress (voice of Angelina Jolie) Crane (voice of David Cross), Mantis (voice of Seth Rogen), Viper (voice of Lucy Liu)and Monkey (voice of Jackie Chan) who were all trained by Master Shifu. (Voice of Dustin Hoffman)
Their arch nemesis, a snow leopard named Tai Lung (Voice of Ian McShane) is raring to get back at Master Shifu and the furious five. Obviously Po is the chosen one even though he knows little kung fu. The fun starts in his training onwards. To put the movie in a nutshell, it is Jackie Chan in an animated film playing a Panda.

I believe the best thing to do after reading this is to watch the film for I highly recommend it since you will most probably get a laugh or two in watching it and more importantly, add a quote or two on various gems in the movie that I liked.

Master Oogway said: “Yesterday is a mystery, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a Gift, that is why they call it present!”
you are a moron, he says yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery but today is a gift. and that's why it's called the present... imbecile
Thanks for clarifying.. I posted the blog after watching the movie..my memory is now deteriorating hehe!
it would be yesterday is history tomarrow is a mystery but today is a gift that is why its called a presant duh
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